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Am I Normal Yet? - Holly Bourne

Žádné hodnocení. Kód: P272561 Produktové číslo: 9781409590309
Kniha, Usborne Publishing, Holly Bourne
Dostupnost: Připravovaná novinka
Am I Normal Yet? - Holly BourneAll Evie wants is to be normal. And now that she's almost off her meds and at a new college where no one knows her as the-girl-who-went-nuts, there's only one thing left to tick off her list...But relationships can mess with anyone's head - something Evie's new friends Amber and Lottie know only too well. The trouble is, if Evie won't tell them her secrets, how can they stop her making a huge mistake?
Autor Holly Bourne
Nakladatel Usborne Publishing
Počet stran 448
Jazyk GB
Druh Kniha
Vazba Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá
Rozměry 19,8 x 13,2 x 0 cm
Váha 0.0000000
Dostupnostní hlídací pes

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