Domů / Knihy / Populárně naučná pro dospělé / Astrologie, esoterika, záhady / Okultní vědy

Nature Beings - Encounters with Friends of Humanity - Margot Ruis

Žádné hodnocení. Kód: P212253 Produktové číslo: 9788090578821
Kniha, Knihy Kazda, 2016, Margot Ruis
Dostupnost: externí sklad 2 ks
Vše 10 %
Cena před slevou: 399 Kč
Ušetříte: 40 Kč
Zlevněno z 399 Kč (Naše normální cena.)
nyní jen 359 Kč , plus doprava
Doba dodání: 2 - 5 Dnů
Nature Beings - Encounters with Friends of Humanity - Margot RuisElves, tree devas , nymphs and other nature beings were a familiar environment for the mythical people of prehistoric times because they could perceive it. Later, mankind lost contact with these finer levels of being, but the elvan beings are still there and encounters with them are also possible today. Margot Ruis, a Sensitive of our days, maintains contact with nature beings, explores their world and life and seeks their advice. She describes her experiences in this book and gives suggestions on how we ourselves can strive for such encounters and how they can enrich our lives . With a foreword by Paul Uccusic and an interview with Margot Ruis and Gerhard Kogoj.
Autor Margot Ruis
Nakladatel Knihy Kazda
Rok vydání 2016
Jazyk GB
Druh Kniha
Rozměry 20,7 x 13,6 x 1,6 cm
ISBN 978-80-905788-2-1
Váha 0.3320000
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