Domů / Knihy / Knihy v angličtině / Učebnice a odborná literat. pro dospělé / Medicína, zdravotnictví

Otorhinolaryngology - David Slouka

Žádné hodnocení. Kód: P286893 Produktové číslo: 9788074923944
Kniha, Galén, 2019, David Slouka
Dostupnost: externí sklad 12 ks
Vše 10 %
Cena před slevou: 390 Kč
Ušetříte: 39 Kč
Zlevněno z 390 Kč (Naše normální cena.)
nyní jen 351 Kč , plus doprava
Doba dodání: 2 - 5 Dnů
Otorhinolaryngology - David SloukaIn this book, otorhinolaryngology is presented to students as a medical branch, individual chapters deal with particular “sub-branches” and common fields of medicine with other medical specializations. All chapters are divided into the theoretical part summarizing knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology and the part dealing with methods of investigation of the given branch and contextualizing obtained knowledge with an otorhinolaryngologists's job description in clinical practice. The scope of teaching material is composed and presented to the extent being necessary for students of medical faculties. Nevertheless, this textbook is convenient for university studies of nursing care. In the pictorial documentation, we put emphasis on simplicity as well as schematisation with respect to the current development of internet education where it is possible to find tens of pictures or figures of better quality related to particular pathologies in comparison with a paper form of textbooks.
Autor David Slouka
Nakladatel Galén
Rok vydání 2019
Počet stran 292
Jazyk GB
Druh Kniha
Vazba Pevná bez přebalu lesklá
Rozměry 22 x 15,6 x 2,7 cm
ISBN 978-80-7492-394-4
Váha 0.7750000
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